Admiral of Morality: Pray for our Gay Brothers and Sisters in the Roman Church: Catholic Bishops Continue Schizophrenic Policies Towards Faithful Gays

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Pray for our Gay Brothers and Sisters in the Roman Church: Catholic Bishops Continue Schizophrenic Policies Towards Faithful Gays

A new set of guidelines drafted by U.S. Catholic bishops and expected to be approved at their meeting next month, continues the Roman church's hostility to openly gay and lesbian lives, while urging Roman Catholic parishes to reach out to gay parishioners who "might feel alienated" by the Church.

The report, "Ministry to Persons with a Homosexual Inclination: Guidelines for Pastoral Care," reaffirms chastity for those with "homosexual inclinations," counsels gays and lesbians not to adopt children, and recommends that gays and lesbians not make their orientations public. Those doing so, the report urges, should have their participation in parish leadership severely curtailed.

The guidelines have not yet been published on the Web. The Boston Globe reported on them last week; The New York Times reports on them for Sunday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rather: “Pray for our Gay Brothers and Sisters in the Roman Church: may they do the will of the Father by the strength of the Holy Spirit accompanied by the Son.”

In fact, you show that you are not a mean-spirited exclusionist, you might even say: “Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in the Roman Church: may they do the will of the Father by the strength of the Holy Spirit accompanied by the Son.”

Of course, Truth may dictate, as it does for me, simply: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

10/30/2006 08:24:00 AM  

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