Admiral of Morality: The Washington Post shows its true colors

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Washington Post shows its true colors

When in the world did that newspaper become such a bastion of the liberal-gay-pagan-pansexual John 3:16- splicing agenda

As we raised anchor this morning my wireless device was beeping and chirping and vibrating in a way that made me wonder, could there be such a thing as a digital cognate for being slain in the Spirit? Can pda's speak in tongues? There must be a YouTube video or Wordpress entry on it somewhere.

The focus of the chirping and burping and etc of the little device was the contents of The Washington Post's article on the schismatic churches in Virginia. The article is well researched and lengthy and has some good points.

If you are a schismatic the article may convince you to reenlist in the forces opposing evil, which regrettably must now include The Washington Post. If you are the more quiet type of schismatic who hisses only when he is asked to, the article may force you to take out your blessing chalk and draw yet another protective circle around yourself. At the churches,
At least two-thirds of the worshipers are Methodists, Presbyterians or Baptists, and there is no pressure on them to be confirmed as Episcopalians, said the Rev. Rick Wright, associate rector.

Wright said the diverse membership of both congregations illustrates one of the great changes in American religion of the past half-century: The divisions between denominations are far less important today than the divisions within denominations.

"I tend to feel very comfortable rubbing shoulders with folks at McLean Bible or Columbia Baptist . . . that are real orthodox, evangelical, biblical churches," said Truro's chief warden, or lay leader, Jim Oakes, referring to two Northern Virginia megachurches. "We share core beliefs. I think I would be more comfortable with them than with anyone I might run into at an Episcopal Diocesan Council meeting."

In some popular services, Truro and The Falls Church blend the traditional liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer with such megachurch touches as huge choirs, bass guitars and drums. Neither offers "smells and bells," the incense and chimes favored by "high church" Episcopal congregations. But some parishioners affectionately describe Truro as "McLean Bible with candles."
"McLean Bible with candles"--such a fine warden and vestry. Yes, Virginia, it is possible if we read very carefully and talk only to others who think, speak, believe, dress, look, and etc, just like ourselves, that on this phraseology can be built the seeds of a very fine church that is not at all Episcopalian.

The article points out that many parishioners and clergy at the churches speak in tongues.
For more than 30 years, Truro and The Falls Church have been part of a "charismatic revival" within mainline Protestantism, said the Rev. Robert W. Prichard, professor of Christianity in America at the Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria.

Charismatic, in this case, refers to an ecstatic style of worship that includes speaking in tongues, a stream of unintelligible syllables signifying that the Holy Spirit has entered the worshiper. It is a hallmark of the fast-growing Pentecostal movement but unusual for Episcopalians, who are so thoroughly associated with solemnity and tradition that they are sometimes referred to teasingly as "the frozen chosen."

"Teasingly"? My dear liberal agenda reporter, to be frozen and chosen is a mark of honor in many places.

Sit back and click to the article and the comments following the article.


Blogger Saint Pat said...

And who calls whom "revisionist" and not the "real" Episcopal Church?

Unfortunately, there are plenty of Episcopalians around here who would really feel more comfortable in a Southern Baptist Church, and want to make our churches and theology like theirs.

I don't see why they can't just go join the Baptists.

1/06/2007 04:37:00 PM  

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